5 minutes of stretching each day can :
1. Increase your flexibility
2. Helps to delay the decreased mobility that comes with ageing
3. Improves your physical performance
4. Increases blood flow to your muscles, reducing muscle soreness
5. Improves your posture
6. Helps to heal and prevent back pain
7. Help to reduce stress as you release tension
8. Can help to calm your mind
9. Reduce and prevent body aches and pains
Each week one Daily Stretch class will be taught live.
Mondays 8.50am in the Daily Stretch Class group on Facebook. The class will then be added to the ever growing stretch classes. So you will never be bored with doing the same stretches and will be continually challenging your mind and body with different combinations of stretches.
Seriously 5 minutes a day can be life changing!
Do not delay and sign up today.
It is just £5 per month!!!