L.I.F.E  Low Impact Fitness for Everyone

£25 per 4 weeks

Suitable for beginners or those returning to exercise after illness or injury. 
  • 1  30 minute live classes a week either Pilates or weighted LIIT
  • Daily Stretch and a different class for you to try posted every week
  • A mixture of classes from Cardio, Strength,  Pilates and Core and target area classes.
  • Manageable bitesize classes for you to plan into your life.
  • Feel fit and fab after just 30 days.
  • Exercise 3/5 days a week and feel and see the difference!
  • Incorporate a 30 minute walk three times a week.
  • So many classes to choose from. Access to over 50, 15 /30minute past classes.
  • 1 new classes taught Live and added to the group each week.
  • Check in with me  each week, to check progress

Make a start and make it happen.