Live Facebook Classes

Full VIP Membership

Delivered live on Facebook 6 days a week.

All classes taught “Live” and then posted into the groups, you’ll get instant access to them whenever and wherever you choose.

Don’t worry if you can’t manage the classes live as you will get them on catch up whenever you want!

Choose from Monthly or Weekly Plans

If you haven’t found me yet on Facebook click on the following links:

Once paid you will need to request to join each group

Ensure your notifications are turned on to ALL

Click on the 3 dots above the group cover photo on the page

Select “Notifications Settings”

Turn on “Notifications for all posts within the group.”

You should then receive notifications every time I go Live and every time I post in the group.

When I go ‘live’ to teach the class, it should pop up in the given group or you should receive a notification that you could click on.


A health form must be completed prior to joining the group and any injuries or conditions will be taken in to consideration and adaptions or advice given as needed.

Class description and a guide to which classes appear in which group.

Pilates - Green

Focuses on posture, good technique, core control and strength. A mind and Body workout follow the link below and request to join the group.
A quick 10 minute routine you could do each day to aid mobility and reduce joint stiffness or advised to do after exercise.

Strength & Stretch - Purple

A non impact class aimed at improving flexibility and full body strength.

A fusion of Pilates and yoga, aimed at fat burning, toning and flexibility. Moves at a pace.
Fusion of Thai Chi, Yoga and Pilates, slow and mindful.
follow this link to join this group

Rise & Shine Motivational HIIT - Red

 A variety of training methods used. Aimed at improving muscular strength, endurance and CV fitness.

Focused 15 minute quick class
No Jumping – full body Class.
Great for you if you have knee or hip issues
This class will use different equipment; resistance bands, weights, fit balls, kettle bells, steps, etc. Aimed at improving tone and strength.
Follow this link to join this group


Fitstart Group

A gentle beginners exercise class. No impact. Donation based. Sponsored by Keighley Healthy Living Network.

follow this link and ask to join the Fitstart group.

Payment for September will be taken by BACS. Messgae me for more information.

Full VIP Membership

£35 per Month

Weekly Membership

£12 p/week

Pilates Group Membership

£30 per Month